‘Coigil aithinne d’aislinge / Scaradh léi is éag duit’
Máirtín Ó Direáin. Translation from the Irish: ‘hold fast to your dream / to abandon it is to die’
Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival
Inaugural Meeting of the Smashing Times Network for Arts and Human Rights and launch of Arts for Human Rights book
Date and Time: Tuesday 20 October, 2020, 10am-12pm
Platform: Zoom Meeting organised by Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality
Category: Inaugural European and International network meeting with guest speakers, discussions and contributions from audience members and networking. Features launch of Arts and Human Rights book.
Tickets: Open to members of the Smashing Times International Network for the Arts and Human Rights. All people including individuals and organisations are welcome to join the network, membership is free and open to all – artists, activists, educators, students, members of the public and all those interested in supporting and promoting the arts for human rights and equality. At the heart of all network activities will be the arts and human rights. We welcome you to join us.
Booking: Click Here
Moderator: Dil Wickremasinghe
Artists and Guest Speakers: Dijana Milosevic, Dah Theatre, Serbia; Dr Eric Weitz, Smashing Times; Frédérique Lecomte, Theatre & Reconciliation, Belgium; Áine O’Hara, theatre maker; Hina Khan, visual artist; Linda Greene, Kildare Traveller Action; Dr Rajinder Singh, choreographer, artist; Melissa Bonotto, Children’s Rights Lead at the Museum of Childhood Ireland Project; John Scott, Irish Modern Dance Theatre; Jesse Jones, film, performance and visual artist; Tara Madden, Front Line Defenders; Martin Beanz Warde, comedian; Keelin Murray, Create; Colm O’Gorman, Amnesty International.
The Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality is dedicated to the promotion, study and practice of the arts, human rights, climate justice and gender equality. Our mission is to lead the development of the arts to promote and advance human rights and to lead an international network of organisations working to connect citizens to the arts, human rights, climate justice and gender equality. The centre has set up an online virtual centre with membership and leads a growing transnational network of organisations willing to work in cooperation to promote the arts and human rights. The online centre provides networking, training and a digital resource service, sharing successful stories, research, blogs and podcasts in relation to using the arts to promote human rights. The company are in the process of setting up e-learning courses, digital apps and a digital space for live networking and the sharing of stories, experiences and resources related to human rights.
The first face-to-face inaugural meeting of the International Network for the Arts and Human Rights takes place on Tuesday 20 October 2020 from 10am to 12pm. The event will be attended by artists and activists from organisation across Ireland and Europe. All welcome to attend. The aim is to bring together artists and activists who support the use of the arts to promote rights and values and active civic engagement.
We Need You
Membership of the network is open to individuals and organisations from Ireland and around the world. If you are an individual or organisation who supports the use of the arts to promote equality and human rights, then this network is for you. Membership is open to all – artists, activists, citizens. For further information please contact Niamh at niamh@smashingtimes.ie. To join the network go here. For more information see www.smashingtimes.ie