Curator Artistic Statement
The Smashing Times Virtual Arts Centre is a space rooted in the past and future, yet living in the present, a space where all hearts are welcome, all voices heard and all stories are told. Our vision is to celebrate and raise awareness of the arts for equality, human rights and diversity and to create a space to showcase a range of interdisciplinary artworks and performances by diverse artists for communities inspired by themes of equality, human rights and diversity; courage, hope and resilience, and by human rights, climate justice and gender equality for all.
The Smashing Times Virtual Arts Centre is inspired by the power of the arts to raise awareness of human rights and the many ways in which the arts can be a positive catalyst for change and well-being for people and the planet we live on.
We are delighted to present a variety of powerful visual images, installations, performing art works and artists’ statements created by artists from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Europe and around the world. These artists have achieved artistic excellence, professional accomplishments and a body of work that has a positive impact on viewers.
The artwork presented in the Smashing Times Virtual Arts Centre embodies the aim of human rights for all. Though each artwork has its own unique inspiration, all are united in the goal of shining a light on issues which infringe on human rights, and of promoting equality, diversity and rights for all.
Kwasie Boyce, actor, In Time written and directed by Mary Moynihan
Vision for the Future
In Time is a poem film written and created by artist Mary Moynihan. ‘In Time is my personal response to the changing landscape of our world today in a time of pandemic and is my dream for the future’. In Time can be viewed in the Arts and Human Rights gallery space.
In Time
By Mary Moynihan
In time . . .
In time we will recover.
In time there will be a vaccine and we will be able to go outside, to work, to the park, to the mountains, to meet our family and friends, to travel to the ends of the earth if we wish.
In time we will rebuild our world.
We will create an equal society where people count – our family, friends and co-workers, and all those who provide services and look after each other.
We will get our values right, our priorities straight and create a world for what really matters – people, the planet we live on and dignity and respect for all.
In time we will meet each other in the darkness of a theatre space and know again the magic of a connection that is invisible yet truly felt.
In time we shall hug those we love and have missed.
In time we shall mourn and remember those who have died.
In time we shall bear witness.
In time we will breathe calmly again.
In time we shall create and imagine what if. . .
In time we shall reject governments that do not respect people or act on our behalf.
In time we shall create respect for the planet we live on and know that our atmosphere is clearing up and soon the world will be able to breathe again.
In time we shall be true to our inner selves, hear the inner voice of our own souls and follow our heart’s desire.
In time we shall serve ourselves and equally, at the same time, serve others.
In time we shall fight the good fight and at the same time, let go.
In time we shall enjoy life and be present in the moment.
And perhaps one day, in time, we shall realise . . . there is no time.
Mary Moynihan – Artist Biography
Mary Moynihan (she/her), MA, is an award-winning writer, director, theatre and film-maker, an interdisciplinary artist and Artistic Director of Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality.
Mary is Artistic Curator for the annual Dublin Arts and Human Rights festival implemented by Smashing Times and Front Line Defenders in partnership with organisations including Amnesty International, Fighting Words, NWCI, Irish Modern Dance Theatre and Poetry Ireland. The aim of the festival is to showcase and highlight the extraordinary work of human rights defenders in Ireland and around the world, past and present, and the role of the arts and artists in promoting human rights today.
Mary specialises in transformative arts practice, using interdisciplinary, socially-engaged arts practice to promote equality, human rights, gender equality, diversity and peace, developing cutting edge arts-based projects with a range of organisations in Ireland, Northern Ireland and across Europe. The work takes place at local, national and international levels, connecting citizens to the arts, human rights, climate justice, gender equality and peace.
Mary’s work is underpinned by a rights-based approach and a commitment to artistic excellence and social engagement. Mary has a particular focus on using historical memory in her artistic practice as inspiration for the creation of original artworks across a range of mediums, remembering stories of ordinary yet powerful women and men from history and today who stood up for the rights of others.
As Artistic Director of Smashing Times, Mary was awarded the Business to Art Special Judges Daa Arts Award at Bord Gáis Energy Theatre and was awarded a GSK Ireland Impact Award, a Dublin Bus Community Spirit Award, and a National Lottery Good Cause Award. In April 2021, Acting for the Future – Creative Arts for Health and Well-being Hub, a project designed and led by Mary Moynihan, won the prestigious #ArtsAgainstCovid award, from the Arts in Health International Foundation. Company patrons of Smashing Times are First Lady Sabina Coyne Higgins, Senator Joan Freeman, founder of Pieta House, Ger Ryan, actor and Tim Pat Coogan, writer and historian. Founding patrons were writers Maeve Binchy and Brian Friel.