Smashing Times is in the process of creating an online digital arts platform that will host a European Resource and Advice service on using the arts for equality, human rights and diversity providing a multi-media space with information, resources and services. The service will include a news feed, an arts and human rights monthly newsletter, information on funding and arts-based opportunities, opinions, blogs, interviews, podcast and ted style talks and vlogs. There will be a members only area with additional information on funding and opportunities, access to articles on the arts for equality, human rights and diversity, access to podcasts, interviews and success stories and case studies as well as research and evaluations. We also aim to provide a face-to-face or online advisory service and advice clinic.
The new service is coming soon.
In the meantime below are a sample of links to organisations providing research on the arts and culture.
European Research on Arts and Culture
Europeana Click here
Europeana works with thousands of European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research. The website gives you access to millions of books, music, artworks and more – with sophisticated search and filter tools to help you find what you’re looking for.
EPALE Click here
EPALE is a European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers. EPALE is funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It is part of the European Union’s strategy to promote more and better learning opportunities for all adults. EPALE does this by supporting and strengthening the adult learning professions. It enables members to connect with and learn from colleagues across Europe, through its blog posts, forums, the Partner Search tool, complemented with physical gatherings.
FreeMuse Click here
Freemuse ( is an independent international non-governmental organisation advocating for freedom of artistic expression and cultural diversity. Freemuse has United Nations Special Consultative Status to the Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC) and Consultative Status with UNESCO. Freemuse operates within an international human rights and legal framework which upholds the principles of accountability, participation, equality, non-discrimination and cultural diversity. We document violations of artistic freedom and leverage evidence-based advocacy at international, regional and national levels for better protection of all people, including those at risk. We promote safe and enabling environments for artistic creativity and recognise the value that art and culture bring to society. Working with artists, art and cultural organisations, activists and partners in the global south and north, we campaign for and support individual artists with a focus on artists targeted for their gender, race or sexual orientation. We initiate, grow and support locally owned networks of artists and cultural workers so their voices can be heard and their capacity to monitor and defend artistic freedom is strengthened.
Culture Action Europe Click here
Culture Action Europe is a European network of membership organisations, cultural organisations and individuals dedicated to promote culture as a necessary condition for sustainable development both at a local and European scale.
Music Moves Europe Click here
Music Moves Europe (MME) is the overarching framework for the European Commission’s initiatives and actions in support of the European music sector. Developed from a series of meetings with representatives of the music sector starting in 2015, Music Moves Europe was launched as a strategic initiative by the European Commission. It has since developed further as a framework for discussions and today it stands for the EU support for music.
Unesco Click here
In today’s interconnected world, culture’s power to transform societies is clear. Its diverse manifestations – from our cherished historic monuments and museums to traditional practices and contemporary art forms – enrich our everyday lives in countless ways. Heritage constitutes a source of identity and cohesion for communities disrupted by bewildering change and economic instability. Creativity contributes to building open, inclusive and pluralistic societies. Both heritage and creativity lay the foundations for vibrant, innovative and prosperous knowledge societies.
Arts and Culture: Smithsonian Institution. Click here.
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