Dairy Farming
Artist: Sarah Fitzgerald
Medium: Photography
Artist Statement: In Ireland, farming is mainly a family activity – approx. 18,000 dairy farmers milking ~1.55 million cows. Despite small size, Ireland is the world’s 10th largest dairy exporter – our iconic golden-wrapped butter travel far & wide. Milk from grass-fed cows is richer/creamier – this gives Irish butter a golden glow. These farmers are reliant on healthy grassland -it is in their best interest to protect the climate & ecosystem.
Artist Biography: #Connected2: Climate and Food Systems is created by GOAL’s NextGen Youth members from across Ireland, Ethiopia, Honduras, Malawi, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Through the pertinent themes of Global Food Systems and Climate Change, participants learned how each relates to global citizenship and development. They created this photo exhibition to share their learnings with you and hope to raise awareness of how climate change is affecting our food systems.