Smashing Times – Lead partner

Creative Arts for Health and Well-Being Hub

A Time to Breathe 

Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality, Dublin, Ireland (lead partner)

The Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality, incorporating Smashing Times Theatre and Film Company and Smashing Times Youth Arts Ensemble, is dedicated to the promotion, study and practice of the arts and equality. The centre operates as a world class arts space and digital hub for artists, activists, communities and the general public across Ireland and internationally, providing a resource service and a training and networking agency in relation to using high quality creative processes and collaborative arts practice to promote human rights and equality for all.

The centre produces an annual and multi-annual inter-disciplinary arts programme with a focus on economic development, tourism, community infrastructure and education. All artistic mediums are supported with a focus on the performing and collaborative arts including theatre, film, visual arts, dance and music. Smashing Times’ vast experience conducting arts-based projects both nationally and internationally and its global reputation for excellence in relation to using professional and socially engaged arts practice to promote equality is drawn upon in the creation of this innovative space. The work is presented in a range of settings, on stage and on screen, from the professional theatre and arts space, to on tour in schools and communities where we are invited to work collaboratively with people from all ages and cultures, particularly in disadvantaged, marginalised communities. The company works with a range of organisations including schools, youth and adult groups and the general public.