Euroreso, Naples, Italy

Creative Arts for Health and Well-Being Hub

A Time to Breathe 

Euroreso, Naples, Italy

“EURORESO” is an International Association with a scientific and educational purpose.

The main objectives of this non-profit association are:

1. To establish a network of natural and corporate bodies which were legally constituted according to the laws and customs of their country of origin to develop a strategy which simultaneously facilitates economic development and the improvement of the standard of living, and scientific resources of the population concerned in the different European Countries.

2. To establish or receive and develop programmes which facilitate access to work, social integration and the establishment and development of private or public companies.

3. To obtain the funds necessary to implement the projects, programmes and measures supported by the network; to take all necessary steps with the authorities and in particular with the European Union in order to achieve these objectives.

4. To exchange methodologies and techniques and, if necessary, produce those in co-operation.

5. To centralise this information on the Labour Market, to analyse and treat it, and to adjust it with the information on the production of goods and services managed by financial investments.

6. To propagate projects, programmes and results of action taken.