Art Connects Mental Health: A Time to Breathe
Art Connects Mental Health: A Time to Breathe is a two-year European wide transnational partnership project that provides education, training and awareness-raising at national and European levels using creative processes to promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing with youth.
Six partner organisations come together to create a Europe-wide Creative Arts for Health and Well Being hub, a new online, interactive, learning resource centre that supports the role of the arts to promote physical and emotional positive mental health and well-being for all.
A challenging event like the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic can affect everyone’s mental health. Each of us is doing our best to look after ourselves however young people may need extra attention and support. Building synergies between the arts, youth education, and health and well-being, this project supports the role of the arts to promote positive mental health and emotional well-being, to overcome stress and anxiety and to build resilience across Europe, strengthening links across Europe in relation to the arts, education and positive mental health and well-being with and by young people.
The overall aim is to provide education, training and awareness-raising at national and European levels using creative processes to promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing with young people. This is done by creating a model or template for the establishment of the Europe-wide Creative Arts for Health and Well-Being hub for youth, that uses creativity to promote education, training and awareness raising in relation to positive mental health and emotional well-being at national and European levels.

Project Priorities
Empowering Youth Workers
Youth Workers will be empowered by providing them with access to innovative training programmes and modules that will aid and develop their youth work practices across the EU, enabling the youth workers to use arts-based approaches and new digital technologies to promote positive mental health and social inclusion
with young people.
Engaging, Connecting, and Empowering Young People
The artistic and digital methods applied will help in addressing the risks, opportunities, and implications of digitization empowering young people with skills and competences that foster active citizenship and employability prospects of young people.

The project partners are:
- Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality, Dublin, Ireland (lead partner);
- Ente acli istruzione professionale piemonte, (ENTE) Torino, Italy;
- Euroreso, Naples, Italy;
- European Centre in Training for Employment, Rethymno, Greece;
- Fundacion Intras, Valladolid, Spain;
- Youth Peace Group Danube, Vukovar, Croatia.
A Time to Breathe is supported by Erasmus+.