Where I am, I don’t know, I’ll never know, in the silence you don’t know, you must go on, I can’t go on, I’ll go on.
Samuel Beckett
Event Title: Reaching the Diaspora – Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival Twitter Chat Live hosted by Smashing Times
Date and Time: Saturday 21 September, 5-6pm
Venue: Cyberspace
Reaching out to the worldwide diaspora and to artists and activists around the world who want to engage with, support and celebrate the arts and human rights. How can local communities reach out to the diaspora around the world and how can artists and activists in Ireland, Europe and beyond come together to share a love for the arts and human rights? Beginning with Irish people as world-class connectors supporting and celebrating the arts and human rights, Smashing Times and Front Line are reaching out to build links with all artists and activists across the globe to promote the arts, human rights, climate justice, gender equality and peace for all.
Send us your questions and comments on the arts and human rights in a tweet, share information on your favourite artists and arts-based projects connected to human rights that you know of, and join us on Twitter from Ireland and across the globe to chat about and celebrate the extraordinary work of human rights defenders, past and present, in Ireland and around the world and the role of the arts and artists in promoting human rights today.
Ask questions of Smashing Times artists and our Twitter Chat guest Dr Shirley Graham, a supporter of the new Smashing Times International Centre that will support the arts, human rights, climate justice and gender equality. Dr Shirley Graham, originally from Ireland and now living in Washington D.C., is Associate Professor of Practice in Gender and Security, and the director of the Gender Equality programme at the Elliott School of International Affairs, at George Washington University.
Smashing Times Twitter: @Smashing_Times