Women in an Equal Europe: Using creative processes and a feminist framework to reflect on the experiences of women living in the European Union and the power of EU Policy to promote gender equality and human rights.

Women in an Equal Europe book available here
This transnational project involves four European partners from Ireland, Spain, Croatia and Serbia, and uses creative processes of theatre and film and online resources to promote a greater understanding of women’s rights, and the positive changes that have come about in relation to gender equality as a result of belonging to the European Union.
The project identifies 20 positive stories of change experienced by women – 5 from each partner country – that have come about as a result of belonging to the EU. The 20 stories are used to create a Women in an Equal Europe research and resource document; an EU Equality and Human Rights drama workshop and a performance/film on the role of women in Europe, which are then offered to the general public to bring citizens, artists and activists together to discuss, debate and network on gender equality, human rights, the role of the EU and the kind of Europe we want for the future in relation to gender equality, human rights and inclusion. The Women in an Equal Europe book is available to access for free here.
Using the arts and political activism, the project promotes a remembrance of women’s equality and women’s experiences of life in Europe to ensure women’s voices and stories are equally heard and acknowledged.
Using a feminist framework, the aims of the project are to use creative processes to (a) identify and remember the experiences of women living in the European Union with a focus on positive change in relation to gender equality that has happened as a result of belonging to the EU (b) to raise awareness of the role and power of the EU to promote gender equality, human rights and inclusion including tolerance and intercultural dialogue and (c) to provide information on the role citizens can play to actively influence EU policy and to actively engage citizens in debate on the kind of Europe they want for the future in relation to gender equality, human rights and inclusion.
Participants learn about European history and the history of women’s equality that brings a raised awareness of women’s experiences of life in Europe and ensures women’s voices and stories are equally heard and acknowledged. The project engages citizens in debate, learning, discussion and networking on the successes to date of EU policy in relation to gender equality, human rights and inclusion and supports civic participation in EU policy making processes by bringing EU citizens together to take part in a range of activities directly linked to the development of EU policy for gender equality, human rights and inclusion.
This transnational project involves four European partners from Ireland, Spain, Croatia and Serbia. The partners are Smashing Times Theatre and Film Company, Dublin, Ireland, www.smashingtimes.ie (lead partner); Iniciativas de Futuro Para Una Europa Social, Valencia, Spain; Mirovna grupa mladih Dunav – Youth Peace Group ‘Danube’ (YPGD), Vukovar, Croatia, www.ypgd.org and DAH Theatre Research Centre, Belgrade, Serbia, www.dahteatarcentar.com.
Project Documents and Reports:
Dah Theatre, Serbia – Women in an Equal Europe Project Information
Smashing Times, Ireland – Women in an Equal Europe Project Information
YPGD Danube, Croatia – Women in an Equal Europe Project Information
Women in an Equal Europe Theatre Workshop Model
Women in an Equal Europe Final Report March 2018