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Ag plé na naisc idir Athrú Aeráide, Cultúr na hÉireann agus Muintir na hÉireann / Exploring the links between Climate Change, Irish Culture and the Irish People

Ag plé na naisc idir Athrú Aeráide, Cultúr na hÉireann agus Muintir na hÉireann / Exploring the links between Climate Change, Irish Culture and the Irish People
October 20, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm IST
Plé ar chearta daonna, filíocht agus an t- athrú aeráide / Discussion on human rights, poetry and the environment. Hosted by Front Line Defenders.
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An tOllamh Rióna Ní Fhrighil: Ollamh sa Nua-Gaeilge / Personal Professor of Modern Irish
Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha: Mac léinn PhD / PhD Student NUIG
Dr. Rónán Kennedy: Léachtóir NUIG / Lecturer NUIG
Lorna Ni Shuilleabhain: Front Line Defenders, Modhnóir agus cainteoir / Front Line Defenders, moderator and speaker
Full Event Details
Tá na fadhbanna a bhaineann leis an Athrú Aeráide ag éirí níos forleithne agus níos géire in Éirinn agus ar fud an domhain. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an ócáid seo, feasacht a mhúscailt faoi impleachtaí an Athraithe Aeráide agus easpa oibre Rialtas na hÉireann a phlé. Ni bhreathnoidh an imeacht seo ar na gnéithe phraiticiúla den athrú aeráide amháin, ach freisin ar an nasc idir litríocht na Gaeilge agus an t-athrú aeráide. Ta filíocht na hÉireann lán le paisean agus díograis a bhaineann le tubaistí nádúrtha agus le tubaistí daonna, an t-athrú aeráide ina measc.
I mí an Mheithimh 2020, ghlac Friend of the Irish Environment (FIE) caingean dlí i gcoinne rialtas na hÉireann mar gheall ar easpa gnímh an rialtas maidir le hathrú aeráide. Glaotar ‘Climate Case Ireland’ ar an gcás seo agus is é an chéad chás dá leithéid in Éirinn. Le linn na hócáide cloisfimid ón Dr. Rónán Kennedy, a chomhscríobh alt ar ‘Climate Case Ireland’. Foilsíodh an t-alt seo san Iris Pleanála agus Dli na Timpeallachta, na hÉireann. Is léachtóir ag NUIG é Rónán, a bhfuil taithí shuntasach aige i dtaighde dlí comhshaoil.
Labhróidh an tOllamh Rióna Ní Fhrighil agus Laoighseach Ní Chocastlebha ó Roinn na Gaeilge ag Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh. faoin nasc tarraingteach idir filíocht na Gaeilge agus cearta an duine. An fhilíocht chomhaimseartha agus an t-aistriúchán liteartha na príomhréimsí taighde atá ag Rióna . Tá Laoighseach ag dul faoi PhD, ag déanamh taighde scagadh ar an athláithriú a dhéantar ar chearta an duine i bhfilíocht na hÉireann san fhichiú haois agus anuas go dtí ár linn féin, le tionscadal darbh ainm Republic of Conscience: Cearta an Duine agus Nuafhilíocht na Gaeilge. Is tionscadal idirdhisciplíneach é Republic of Conscience: Cearta an Duine agus Nuafhilíocht na Gaeilge a bhaineann go dlúth le léann na litríochta, léann chearta an duine agus léann an aistriúcháin.
Reáchtálfar an ócáid seo trí Ghaeilge. Deis a bheidh ann gnéithe de chultúr na hÉireann agus chearta an duine a chur le chéile. Tabharfaidh an ócáid seo deis do dhaoine a bhfuil spéis acu sa Ghaeilge, san athrú aeráide agus i gcearta an duine na réimsí seo go léir a phlé ag aon ócáid amháin.
The issues caused by Climate Change are becoming more prevalent and rampant in Ireland and around the world. This event aims to raise awareness around the implications of Climate Change and explore the failings of the Irish Government to take action on Climate Change. This event will also move beyond the practical aspect of climate change and look at its link with Irish-language poetry. Irish language literature is entrenched with passion and intensity which can be linked with natural and human disasters, including climate change.
In June 2020 Friend of the Irish Environment (FIE) took legal action against the Irish government for failing to take adequate action on climate change. This case known as ‘Climate Case Ireland’ marked the first case of it’s kind in Ireland. During the event we will hear from Dr. Rónán Kennedy, who co-wrote an article on the Climate Case Ireland, published in the Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal. Rónán is a lecturerer at NUIG, with considerable experience in environmental law research.
Professor Rióna Ní Fhrighil and Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha from the Department of Irish at NUIG, will speak about the captivating link between Irish-language poetry and human rights. Rióna has published extensively on twentieth-century Irish poetry and literary translation while Laoighseach is undergoing a PhD examing the literary techniquers adopted by Irish poets to respond to international human rights conflicts, in a project named Republic of Conscience: Human Rights and Modern Irish Poetry.
The event will be held through Irish. It will be a chance to the combine the areas of Irish culture and human rights. This event will give all those with an interest in both the Irish language, climate change and human rights the opportunity to explore these areas all at the one event.

Speaker Biographies

Professor Rióna Ní Fhrighil
Is í an tOllamh Rióna Ní Fhrighil Príomhthaighdeoir an tionscadail ROC agus is léachtóir í in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh. An fhilíocht chomhaimseartha agus an t-aistriúchán liteartha na príomhréimsí taighde atá aici. Sa tréimhse 2014-2016, bhí sí ina príomhthaighdeoir Gaeilge ar an mhórthionscnamh taighde ‘The Representation of Jews in Irish Literature’ a mhaoinigh AHRC. Comhstiúrthóir í ar an tionscadal ‘Aistriú’ (www.aistriu.eu), togra aistriúcháin agus ealaíne a bunaíodh agus Gaillimh ina Príomhchathair Chultúir na hEorpa (2020).
Professor Rióna Ní Fhrighil is Principal Investigator of ROC and lecturer in Modern Irish at NUI Galway. She has published extensively on twentieth-century Irish poetry and literary translation. Rióna was the principal Irish-language researcher on the AHRC-funded project The Representation of Jews in Irish Literature (2014-2016). She is co-director of the interdisciplinary project Aistriú: crossing territories, languages,and artforms, funded by Galway 2020 as part its European Capital of Culture programme. Www.aistriu.eu

Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha
Tá Laoighseach ag obair cheana féin ar an togra ‘Republic of Conscience’ faoi chearta an duine agus cúrsaí filíochta; le páistí scoile ar fhilíocht faoin athrú aeráide; agus beidh tús á chur aici le PhD ar ábhar gaolmhar i Meán Fómhair 2021.
Laoighseach is a PhD Student at NUIG, doing a research project, ‘Republic of Conscience’, which is about human rights and poetry, working with school students on the topic of climate change.

Dr Rónán Kennedy
Dr Rónán Kennedy
Cuireadh oideachas ar Rónán Kennedy in OÉ Gaillimh, in King’s Inns, Ollscoil Nua Eabhrac, agus i gColáiste na hOllscoile, Londain. D’fhoilsigh sé go fairsing ar dhlí an chomhshaoil, dlí theicneolaíocht na faisnéise, agus ábhair eile, agus tá sé ina chomhúdar ar dhá théacsleabhar. Bhí sé ina Oifigeach Dlí Feidhmiúcháin do Phríomh-Bhreitheamh na hÉireann, an Breitheamh Ronan Keane, ó 2000 go 2004. Bhí sé ina bhall de Choiste Comhairleach na Gníomhaireachta um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil ó 2016 go 2019.
Rónán Kennedy was educated at NUI Galway, the King’s Inns, New York University, and University College London. He has published extensively on environmental law, information technology law, and other topics, and is co-author of two textbooks. He was Executive Legal Officer to the Chief Justice of Ireland, Mr Justice Ronan Keane, from 2000 to 2004. He was a member of the Advisory Committee of the Environmental Protection Agency from 2016 to 2019.

Lorna Ni Shuilleabhain
Is í Lorna an tOifigeach Bunachar Sonraí ag Front Line Defenders. Tá cúlra ag Lorna i sonraí agus cearta daonna. Rinne sí Baitsiléir Eolaíochta i Staitisticí ag UCD agus LLM sa Dlí Idirnáisiúnta um Chearta an Duine ag NUIG. Sula thosaidh sí le FLD, rinne sí intéirneacht le GLAN, ag obair i dtaighde, ag bailiú sonraí agus ag forbairt gréasáin. D’oibrigh sí freisin mar éascaitheoir oideachais forbartha le Comhlámh agus ghlac sí páirt sa ‘Innocence Project’ ag NUIG.
Lorna is the Database Officer at Front Line Defenders, working with the database and also producing HRD ID Cards. Lorna has a background in both data and human rights having completed a Bachelor of Science in Statistics at UCD and an LLM in International Human Rights Law at NUIG. Prior to joining Front Line Defenders, she did an internship with the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), working in research, data collecting and web development. She has also worked as a development education facilitator with Comhlámh and took part in NUIG’s Innocence Project.
The Irish Centre for Human Rights
The Irish Centre for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland Galway, is one of the world’s premier university-based institutions for the study and promotion of international human rights and humanitarian law. Since its establishment in January 2000, the Centre has developed a global reputation for excellence in teaching, research and graduate training. Each year we attract high quality students from across the globe, to our acclaimed Masters programs in International Human Rights Law, Peace Operations, Conflict and Humanitarian Law, International Migration and Refugee Law and Policy and International Criminal Law. Our academic programmes now include unique education opportunities through our undergraduate BCL Law and Human Rights and BA Connect with Human Rights.
The Centre also hosts a thriving international community of doctoral researchers. Our PhD alumni have secured senior academic and public policy roles in Universities, international organisations and public bodies internationally. We are proud of our PhD researchers’ excellent track record of publication and research impact, and of securing prestigious PhD scholarship awards to support their work.
Today, the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway is at the cross-roads of the most pressing international law issues in law, public policy and practice. Our students benefit from the dedicated support and world-class reputations of our staff, who combine their subject expertise and extensive field experience, with engagement in international law, public policy and legal practice. We place a strong emphasis on skills development for all of our students, and prioritise engagement in the practice of international law and human rights through clinical legal education.
In addition to our core Faculty, we have a global network of Adjunct Professors who engage with students and staff to share their expertise. The Centre hosts a busy schedule of seminars, conferences and summer schools, bringing together leading international scholars and practitioners across diverse fields of research and practice.
The Irish Centre for Human Rights is located in the School of Law at NUI Galway, and works closely with Research institutes and Centres across the University, including the Ryan Institute on sustainable development and climate change, the Centre for Disability Law and Policy and the Centre for Housing Law and Policy.
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