Theatre and the performing arts are powerful means for non-formal learning, social engagement, activation and inclusion and a possible source of related employment opportunities. However, they suffer from systematic and structural problems of funding, representation and the possibility of having their work recognised at an institutional level.
This is why it is important that theatre and the performing arts strengthen their role, both at the level of the territories involved and with projects of international level, enabling an effective exchange of experiences and the creation of a common working methodology. The TheatreTRAILS project aims to serve the community and in particular of its most disadvantaged members, thus placing itself within the framework of the numerous actions carried out by the EU to combat social exclusion and offer quality learning opportunities to all citizens: no one should be left behind.
The project aims to:
The concrete objectives of the project are therefore:
- develop and strengthen the capacity of partner organisations to provide non-formal learning, civic engagement and social inclusion activities based on theatre and performing arts methods;
- enhance their capacity to work internationally by sharing ideas, creativity and good practices in the field;
- improve cooperation in implementing and disseminating relevant effective and innovative practices at local, regional, national and international levels;
- develop important competencies and skills of staff members, such as personal, social and learning-to-learn competences; citizenship competences; (artistic) entrepreneurship competences; cultural awareness and expression competences – through engagement in socially engaged theatre and performing arts activities, as well as improving the creative skills and motivation of disadvantaged adults to delve into the dominant trends of life.
- improve the living conditions and inclusion of adults with fewer opportunities, in particular by contributing to the empowerment of transversal competences, such as communication skills, interculturality, empathy and emotional intelligence.

As the project aims to broaden the competences of adult educators, enriching their methodological approach with an enriching experience of mutual exchange and growth, TheatreTRAILS responds to the sector priority “improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff”. At the same time, the real beneficiaries of the project activities will be adults, in particular those in marginalised conditions or with fewer opportunities (but not only – in order not to “ghettoise” the participants) by offering them an opportunity for socialisation, acquisition of transversal competences and growth within an intercultural learning context led by professionals and artists (“promoting Erasmus+ among all citizens and generations). This objective will be translated into local theatre workshops and a final performance open to the public, in which the work done in each country will be brought together. The project will also produce tangible results, including above all two methodological “notebooks”. Learn more here.

The project is funded by Erasmus+ and the partners are Associazione Culturale Smascherati!, Italy (lead); Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality, Ireland; and Fondatsiya “Tsennosti, dobrodeteli, integritet”, Bulgaria.