Creative Arts for Health and Well-Being Hub
A Time to Breathe

Youth Peace Group Danube, Vukovar, Croatia
YPGD is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, which promotes civil and democratic society based on a culture of non-violence, tolerance, and respect for human rights. The organisation was established in 1996 during the UNTAES mission in eastern Croatia. After the UN mission, the YPGD was officially registered in Croatia in February 1998. YPGD from its very beginning, working with volunteers both local and international and during the years we hosted more than 250 volunteers through volunteers’ camps, voluntary actions and volunteers’ exchanges. Within the “Youth in Action” programme we hosted more than 30 volunteers and sent 9 in last 6 years, we implemented trainings and participated as partners in numerous of trainings for youth. In our work we had cooperated with many regional and international organizations and we continuously keeping the contacts with many of them.
During the years we had been organizing different trainings and seminars, international and national involving number of young people. Through our Youth club we had organized number of activities for groups of young people (international working and voluntary camps, exchanges and study visits at local, regional and international level, trainings, creative workshops, workshops for unemployed people gaining CEFE entrepreneurial skills, ECDL and foreign languages courses; workshops related to culture and art – photography, music workshops, digital drawing, comic books, origami, graffiti, DJ workshops and dance workshops, education of Roma teaching assistants and extracurricular activities, workshops for children and youth, eco workshops, LEGO® workshops, robotics, LAN party, social nights – movie nights, social games nights, philosophy nights, table football and table tennis, organization and implementation of workshops for children and youth in City library and primary school “Nikola Andric” in Vukovar, music studio for young musicians to play and record, publishing fanzine and youth magazine “Ševa”, radio show, lectures in schools, promotion of voluntarism and mobility, help to elder people, organising concerts and festivals, education of teachers in Romology, jam sessions, Street arts, web portal, strengthening NGO capacities and youth in region through international development aid.